Tuesday 24 March 2015

Contents Draft

Draft One

I inserted an image of the model into the base that I had made earlier. I tried a blue and red colour scheme and changed the colour of the background to match that, but it looked odd. There was also a general lack of information about the other contents of the magazine.

Draft Two

Here I decreased the size of the primary image to make it less intrusive, and I also attempted to make it seem as though the model was looking at the text. I reverted the colour changes I made to the background and replaced the place-holder text with actual information.

There are now four sections at this point; regulars, features, reviews and prizes.

Draft Three

I used a different image of higher quality to make it stand out from the images beside it. The image in the lower left was also changed as it looked too similar the one on the double-page spread.

The date and issue number were shifted to the left, while a website and various social media links were added to the right of the masthead.

Finally, the 'reviews' and 'prizes' sections were changed to look cleaner, and minor changes were made to the overall colour scheme of the page.

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