Friday 6 February 2015

DPS Drafts

Draft One

For this draft I changed parts of the flat plan to a red colour and inserted the high angle shot of the model. I then covered the right page in a dark overlay and refined its edges to create a blur effect. The text was then added in a simple format, with dropped shadows to help it stand out.

Draft Two

Upon receiving constructive criticism, I've made some changes to the spread. I used colder colours and overlays to make the overall image feel more natural, filled some empty space beside the headline, repositioned the quote and added a stand-first to open the article.
There's also two columns for the article now, rather than a wall of text like the previous draft, with a darker backdrop behind it, and the old photograph has been replaced by one of higher quality.

Draft Three

The colour of the photograph has been changed moderately so that it fits in more with the overall red colour scheme. The title has been shortened to fit firmly onto the right page, and a proper stand-first has been added that actually summarises the editorial.
I've also removed most of the gaps between the paragraphs and included editorial and photography credit.


  1. There was a good use of colours and use of professional fonts. However you can make your writing a bit writing clearer. Make sure you add credits. The natural look is nice but some effects or play with light toy get a more of an indie rock effect. Make the quote in text stand out a bit more.

  2. Great comments but what mark would you give it Esther?

    www: great level 4 image, effective use of colour and headline is also good. level 3 because of layout of column text.
